Tag Post - 11 Things You Didn't Knew About Me!!

Hey girls‚

Today i am doing my first tag post ever. Thank you soo much to dear Huda from The Lipstickholic for tagging me. You can check her tag post by clicking The Lipstickholic. She asked me to answer these 11 questions. Ok so i am excited and nervous at the same time to do the tag post. Anyways girls check out my answers and don't forget to comment.

Rules Of The Tag Post:

- Answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who tagged you.
- Tag 10 bloggers of your own choice
- Give those bloggers 11 questions that they will have to answer in their tag post.

1) What is the story behind your blog name?

It was for a whole year that i was thinking to create my own blog. I planned on starting my blog in February 2016. But one day i decided to just create my blog. Since i knew if i will wait till February i might change my plan. So i finally created my blog on 8 Aug of this year and started blogging. I had a name in my mind to name my blog. That was “Confessions Of A Shopaholic" but when i googled this name it was already taken. So after thinking 25 different blog names i finalised on “World Through The Eyes Of A Makeupholic" since it was very unique and catchy. Perfectly explained my idea for my blog.

2) Tell us one of your guilty pleasures?

My guilty pleasure has to be chocolate. I am such a chocolate freak and i must have it at least once a week. A piece of chocolate is not enough i have to eat the whole bar. I would eat anything as long as it has chocolate in it. Though i am the type of person who keeps a check on her weight and even though chocolate don't let me shed those extra pounds but i still must have it. But hey! I have my solid excuse. Scientifically its proven that chocolate once a week saves you from cancer. So i am actually not giving into my temptations‚ i am infact saving myself from cancer ;).

3) Your dream place to visit and why?

Since i was little i always wanted to visit Italy since its the heart of fashion industry and i love doing dress designing. Also did i mention that Italy has such beautiful historical places to visit and the scenic beauty is just mind blowing with city Venice which is known as the “City On The Water". But recently i came to know about a place called “Bora Bora" and oh my its such a beautiful place to spend your holidays with its each guest house in clear water. A dream place it is. I would love to travel to Italy and Bora Bora some day. Since i love travelling and want to travel the whole world. But these will be the first places i will go to.

4)Who is your role model in life?

My role model in my life has to be my mom. I want to be as kind and giving as my mother is. Other than that women who built their self to fame‚ who are known by their name and not name of any man and are known for their work inspire my a lot. One day i aspire to be as great as these women are. Namely J.K Rowling author of famous book series “Harry Potter"‚ Coco Chanel founder of the brand “Chanel”‚ Anastasia owner of the brand “Anastasia Beverly Hills"‚ Angelina Jolie with her “jolie-pitt foundation" and working with many organisations for social services.

5) Your favourite international blogger/MUA or Youtube guru?

Now i love alot of Youtube Beauty Guru's. So it is hard to choose one name. So i will finalise it down to three names. It has to be Jaclyn hill‚ Kathleen Lights and Emily Noel. All of these are great at what they do and i love watching them. Though i need to mention one more name the reason i started watching youtube videos in the first place and my equally favourite is a sweet girl‚ Emily Fox.

6) Your top five beauty picks?

My top 5 beauty picks which i have been loving by far and utterly swear by are Wet n Wild Mega Last Lipsticks‚ Maybelline Fit Me Dewy and Smooth Foundation‚ Loreal Volume Million Lashes Mascara‚ Freeman Feeling Beautiful Black Sugar and Charcoal Polishing Mask‚ Elf Studio Lip Exfoliator. I have reviewed all these products individually and you can click the names to open the review post.

7) Your current obsession?

My current obsession has to be Makeup. I am obsessed over makeup and cant seem to get enough of it. All i do is think about makeup and watch makeup related videos all day and did i mentioned shopping makeup is the best part.

8) Any special hidden talents you have?

I have quite a few talents. Firstly i can type very fast. I know mostly people who use laptop or mobile regularly can type faster but no i can type really fast. I am like tick tick tick and i am done. And person sitting near to me is like shocked that how can anyone type so fast without any errors. Secondly if you grow up with bothers and are not a girly girl you may adopt some talents boys usually have :P . Same was my nature. Growing up with brothers made me good at arm fighting lol secondly i unlike other girls and boys too can lift weight easily upto 90 kgs. Ok no bragging so not easily but i can lift this much weight without fainting ;) pheww!!! And if you are wondering no i don't work out. Lastly i am good at languages. I am fluent in Urdu and English which mostly people are. But i am also very good in Punjabi. I can have quite a conversation in it. I also can understand Pushto‚ Arabic and French to some extent and know a few words from these languages. I plan to learn more languages.

9) If you could have one super power what would that be?

If you have seen super hero movies in your childhood you must have wanted to be a super hero yourself too. Similarly‚ i wanted to be a different super hero in different points of my childhood. Since now i am all grown up and now i think of it i would want the super power of “Mind" that i can control people minds and know what they are thinking like the Professor Xavier had the power in “X-Men". It would be good to have this power since i will know what others think about me lol and it would be help full to stop people from doing bad things to The humanity.

10)  What was the last movie you watched and your thoughts on it?

I love watching horror movies. The last movie i watched was last night the movie “Visions". It was a good suspense thriller movie. It is rated 5.2 on IMDB but i think it deserves atleast a 7. After a long time i actually saw a good horror genre movie. And i enjoyed watching it. The plot of the movie revolves around a woman who can see what is going to happen in future to her but don't know it yet. The moment she realised it she was able to save the lives of her and her husband. 

11) Your biggest achievement in life so far?

I wouldn't say i have achieved anything big yet. But have won few prizes due to achievements in my academics. But the biggest achievement i would say i have achieved by far is my blog. I always wanted to pursue my dream of doing something in the Makeup field. And blogging was the best thing. I am really proud of myself for this and very thankful for the love and support of my page members.

Now that i am all done i would like to thank Huda again for such nice questions and for giving me the Honor of tagging me.

Now its my turn to tag bloggers. Since most of the bloggers are done with this tag so it was hard to find 10 bloggers who haven't done the tag yet.
Here is the names of those bloggers do check out their tag post once they are done.

Isma Munir of IM - Walk In Vogue
Zee Qureshi of Beautorgeous World
Minsa Hassan of Fashion Blitz
Sadaf and Fizzah of The Pout Painters
Chemi bblogger of Chemi's Magical Makeup
Talia of FashTalia Girl
Huda of Sparkling Palette Blog
Shyzah Soharwerdi of Sheezuka's Blog

Now eleven questions these bloggers have to answer are:

1) One beauty product you swear by?
2) Your favourite Brand?
3) If you were not a blogger what would have you been?
4) One thing you cant live without?
5) The most daring thing you have ever done?
6) Your martial status?
7) What is your comfort food?
8) What is the thing that annoys you the most?
9) Name one bad habit you want to change in yourself?
10) If you have to explain yourself in 3 words what would that be?
11) What are your opinion about boys wearing full face of makeup as girls?

I hope you girls will like my questions and please let me know once you do this tag post. Thankyou!

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  1. I really enjoyed reading your answers =)) Thankyou so much for tagging me and for the interesting questionss =)) My first ever tagggg,yayyyy!! thanks lovvve <3

    1. Awww how nice. It was my first ever tag post too :D do this tag post soon and let me know than ok. Have fun answering questions :D

  2. I lovedddd all of your answers. We can relate on many things. I so wanna visit Venice, its a dream place :D And angelina is such a beauty <3 I too type faster than most of the girls around so yayyyyy ! Thanks for doing this tag post. I really enjoyed reading it :)

    1. Yayyyy we are same same :D and venice is such a beautiful place. I soo wana visit it :D nd yes angelina is really beautiful at face and heart both :) nd thankyou soo much huda for liking it <3

  3. Thts was such a good read. Tick tick tick and I am done :D

    Lovely blog Mishall :)

    1. Thankyou soo much dear for stopping by. And yes thats me hehe :D

  4. Thts was such a good read. Tick tick tick and I am done :D

    Lovely blog Mishall :)

  5. ur answers are sooo witty and sweet MA SHA ALLAH (Y) Loved them All...!! :* beautiful.

  6. ur answers are sooo witty and sweet MA SHA ALLAH (Y) Loved them All...!! :* beautiful.
